Inalienably Yours

Archive for the category “voters”

Just Let Them Vote…It’s Not Like It Will Change Anything

As an American voter, do you ever get the feeling that you are being given a vote just so you feel like you have a say in what is going on in your country?  Do you ever think that the privelege of voting has become a condescending pat on the head, like a small child sitting on the lap of an adult and holding the steering wheel being told he is “driving”? Are the “powers that be” just humoring us to keep us quiet until their agenda is satisfied and their next puppet is in place in the Oval Office?

The Charlestown Post and Courier carried the story today that over 900 of the voters that allegedly voted were…………


Those folks are not just a little sleepy.  We aren’t calling them lethargic.  Legally dead, duly buried and only voting if they are doing it through a medium.

The Department of Motor Vehicles began comparing records of death certificates with the State Election Commission voting records, and interestingly enough, they’ve found more than 900 of said voters who are deceased.

It’s amazing how this can happen in a state that REQUIRES PHOTO ID to vote!!!

The electoral process in the United States is severely compromised.  In every state that has had a primary, there have been questions about the veracity of the numbers.

How can the people trust the process that is proven to be as rife with corruption as Washington DC itself?

It was astonishing that Gingrich won the South Carolina primary, despite the interviews with his former wife that reflected horribly on his character (or lack thereof), despite the fact that he cancelled an appearance because nobody showed up to listen to him speak, despite the fact that straw polls put RON PAUL in the lead and Gingrich third to Romney.

Not only are there dead folks voting, but the entire vote in S.C. was taken electronically.  One witness said that when the votes were tallied he was not allowed to be in the same room, but had to watch the tally via a projector.

Working backwards, The Des Moines Register has announced that there are so many “missing” votes that there is no way the results in Iowa can ever be officially certified. So that primary too, is compromised.

Project Veritas volunteers in New Hampshire tested the voting system during the primaries and were given ballots when using the names of dead constituents, so apparently the dead get to vote legally in that state as well. The votes in that state have been recounted several times with several different results, rendering those results untrustworthy as well.

The electoral system is so broken that it appears to be utterly worthless. The only way to take back the elections is by going back to paper ballots and having people from each campaign responsible for hand counting the votes.  Verified photo ID must be shown.  In this day of computers and credit checks there is absolutely a fraud-resistant way to confirm the identity of the voters.

We must take back the electoral process or we will end up with another puppet to the elite with the preordained agenda of the ending the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

What can you do to help?  I’m always a proponent of letter-writing and email campaigns.  Volunteer to do everything you can to help out with your local elections and if you see something that isn’t right say something about it and don’t stop saying it until everybody hears you.  Take part in the process in your area and resolve to do your part to keep the elections clean, whether or not your personal favorite candidate is the winner.  Encourage others to do the same. 

Be loud and be heard.  Let’s endeavour to  keep the rest of the elections fair and accurate.  If we are not the watchdogs, who will be?

The Apathy Pandemic

Have you ever experienced the white-hot fury of watching people refuse to help themselves?

While my post regarding the Anti-SOPA email campaign got some great responses, my idealistic little bubble got popped by many of the other responses and emails that I received.

“I can’t write my Rep – I’m on the ignore list.”
“That’s just a waste of time….it’s only the aides that ever read those letters anyway.”
“Nothing we do will make a difference.”
“Daisy, you just don’t understand how the government works.”
“I’ve already written to tell them I will not vote for them again.”
“You’ll never change the way things are.”

There is a real pandemic that has spread across America and that pandemic is APATHY.

An alarming number of people are willing to simply watch the destruction of freedom and shake their heads sadly, saying, “Yep, I knew this would happen.”

We are watching our freedoms being taken away and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.  How much time out of your life does it really take to send an email?  To cast a vote? To write a letter to the editor?  To forward an interesting link to a friend?  To speak out against what you see? 

And if one of the things you do solves nothing, what have you lost?  At least you still have your self-respect.  At least you didn’t accept what was handed to you by the Elite.

We do not lose until we stop fighting.  By doing nothing, you cede victory.

Most people, it appears, are too lazy to even wave a white flag of surrender.  They sit there, remote in one hand, bag of Doritos in the other hand, and smirk at the small percentage who are trying to make a change in the world.  If the people fighting for change fail, the apathetic ones are smugly justified in their apathy.

The paralysis of America will be her downfall.

Do one small thing every day.  Millions of drops of water are required to erode a rock.  One drop of water alone does nothing. 

Persist and persevere.

I’m more enraged by the people that will do nothing to fight for their freedoms than I am by the people who are trying to take those freedoms away.

If you are a reader who refuses to vote, refuses to speak out, refuses to make your voice heard, perhaps it’s time to unsubscribe from this blog and check out something else, because I have no time for people like you.  I’ll still fight for you in all the ways that I am able, but I won’t waste my time trying to convince you to get your ass off the sofa.  Fighting your apathy takes up my valuable energy that can be directed towards productive things. 

Do one thing today to make your voice heard.  And if no one listens, that’s okay, because you can do something tomorrow too.


Or continue to do nothing until the cell door slams shut.

Poll Results: 81% want to ‘boot" their members of congress!

The thing that caught my eye this morning on CNN was the daily poll.  Obviously this isn’t necessarily a scientific poll.  It applies only to the readers of the CNN website that take a moment to read the question and click on the answer.  But the results of the poll at the time I looked at it were overwhelming:  81% of the folks who had voted were ready to CLEAN HOUSE IN CONGRESS and start over!

When I looked further, this echoes a Gallup poll of registered voters last week, where over 75% of those voters were ready to give their local representatives the axe.

Now if I was  congressperson, I’d be seriously thinking about something like this.  Clearly, the job they are doing to represent their areas are not representative of the opinions of their constituents.

I wonder which of the unconstitutional actions they have taken recently was the last straw?  Was it…..

  •  giving the military permission to indefinitely detain American citizens on nothing more than “suspicion”
  • the unbelievable cluster%&^ that is the US economy?
  • the fact that the only thing they’ve done to resolve unemployment is lengthen the time one can collect benefits?
  • that they renewed the unPatriot act, the most oxymoronic piece of legislation ever created?

The list could go on and on and I need more coffee, so I’ll stop there. 

Poetic justice would be for the unseated members of congress to have to leave, tail between their legs, and live on unemployment while seeking a job with the rest of the Americans who are out of work.

I hope that at the polls next November, this feeling continues. If you are this fed up, express it at the polls.  Overthrow congress with a ballot box revolution!

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