Inalienably Yours

Archive for the category “communism”

Open Letter to Google

Dear Google:

Well, you’ve done it now.  You’ve really ticked me off and I am breaking up with you.

Just because you are bigger than everyone else, it doesn’t mean that I’m going to tolerate you bullying me and controlling me.

You have changed from being my friend, someone I could look to for answers, into being someone who tries to protect me from the truth “for my own good.”  You have a tool for the advancement of communism.

An example, you ask?

What about the fact that when I use you to search for information, you only provide me with the information YOU want me to have?  Despite the fact that Infowars and Prison Planet get more hits than many of the mainstream news affiliates, their information no longer comes up unless I specifically ask for them.  Google, you have actually removed Infowars from your aggregator system in an effort to censor what I read!!!!  Because of government pressure, even though the SOPA bill has been shelved, you are doing your own version of SOPA by blacklisting sites that do not toe the party line.

Google, you aren’t my father.  I don’t need you to sift through the information available and decide what I should be reading.  If you can’t lay it out there and give me all of the pertinent information I’m requesting, you aren’t someone that I want to be with.

Furthermore, Google, I believe that you are spying on me.  Don’t try and deny it.  When I disable cookies in my control panel, I get messages from you saying I cannot access my own  blog without them.  This blog is my intellectual property and you have no right whatsoever to keep me from it.  But suddenly, it seems, I must permit you to spy on me and plant things in my computer to have access to my own blog. 

And there’s more, Google.  Imagine my dismay when I read that you are considering policing us all by gathering information about “thought crimes”.  Your possessiveness of my mind has to end.  I’m allowed to study things that interest me, like government conspiracies, the safety of the vaccines that I’m urged to give my children, or the veracity of current global warming theories.  Not only are you planning to “tell” on me for studying these things, you are planning on providing me with only the information YOU want me to have.  It’s true….I read it HERE!!! You are pretending to be my friend when you are actually in the back pocket of the greedy elite like George Creepy Soros.

My fury with you, Google, is unmatched.  I refuse to be with someone who doesn’t respect my intelligence as a person, who does not allow me the privilege of reading all of the information and sifting through it myself, and who has so little respect for my intellectual curiosity that they would provide me only with propaganda.

So, Google, this is how it is.

I’m leaving you.

I’ve found a new search engine.  I’m with now, and you’re just going to have to deal with it.  Yes, startpage may be a little slower and may not provide the same results, but at least I know that startpage can be trusted, unlike you, dear Google.

I’ve cancelled the ads on my blog – you can keep your money.  I’d write this blog on a pile of diner napkins and air drop them before I’d continue to take money from you.  Your ads, while lining my pockets, are also just a way for you to keep me under your thumb, abiding by your rules.

I’m searching for a new host for my blog because of your controlling ways.  It may not happen today or tomorrow, but I can easily foresee the day in which you begin censoring what I write, and that simply will not be tolerated.

I’ve removed your toolbar from my computer.  Yes, Google, it’s packed up in a box and I’ll leave it on the porch for you if you want to pick it up.  Otherwise, it goes out with the garbage on Friday.  I want nothing from you left in my computer.

It’s over Google.


The Obama Manifesto?

In 1848, Karl Marx, with the help of Friedrich Engels and the Communist League, published The Communist Manifesto.  In this pamphlet, Marx outlined the 10 principles of Communism.

Today, in 2012, the Obama administration, aided and abetted by the Congress, seems to be aiming our country more towards those principles while trampling all over the standards laid out by the US Constitution.

1.) ABOLITION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY  More and more homes are being lost to foreclosure every day.  Property taxes are skyrocketing, while property values decrease.  If you think you actually own your home or place of business, try going for a year without paying your taxes.  The government simply lets you use the building, and charges you rent via the taxes.

2.) PROGRESSIVE TAX Progressive tax increases an individual’s taxation level as their income increases, then distributes these funds to the less fortunate.   Under the current administration, entitlement spending has been the fastest growing sector of government spending.

3.)  ABOLITION OF RIGHTS OF INHERITANCE Obama supported an increase in federal estate tax rates to 45%. After lengthy squabbling it was settled at 25%. However, in 2013, if the tax is not repealed, it could rise immediately to as high as 55%.  Some states also have their own estate tax.

4.)  CONFISCATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF EMIGRANTS AND REBELS It remains to be seen what will happen to the property of those detained under the NDAA, but I know where I’d put my money if I was a betting person.

5.)  A CENTRAL BANK Can you say “Federal Reserve”?  Further, with the bailouts, the “too big to fail” banks are all funded by the US government anyway.

6.)  GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF COMMUNICATION AND TRANSPORTATION The NDAA considers the internet an “operation domain”.    This allows the Department of Defense “upon direction by the President may conduct offensive operations in cyberspace.” We can’t forget PCNAA (Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act) which is also called the “Internet Kill Switch” bill.   If SOPA passes, even more restrictions will occur.  As for transportation, if you travel by air, prepare to be molested by thugs.  Coming soon?  TSA in your local train and bus stations.

7.)  GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF FACTORIES AND AGRICULTURE Corn subsidies, automotive bailouts, and rigorous manufacturing and FDA restrictions are the way that the government is currently controlling the goods produced in the United States.

8.)  GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF LABOR The working class cannot profit from their labor if the government taxes them excessively.  As more and more American jobs are shipped overseas, the government exercises more control over the jobs that are available.  The high debtloads encouraged for most American families through overlending means that there aren’t as many options to retire early, work part time, or be self-employed.

9.)  CORPORATE FARMS AND REGIONAL PLANNING “Food Modernization” bills mean less freedom for farmers to provide options like organic goods.  The pressure to use GMO seeds to receive the government subsidies could also mean a staggering famine in the near future, which plays into the revolving scenario of more dependency on the government.

10.)  GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF EDUCATION When the government supplies the funding for education, they also make the rules.  The current administration is taking steps to waive student loans and to grant billions more in educational dollars via Pell grants to allow more young people to attend college.  This comes with another price tag:  a student’s course of study must meet the administrations rigorous restrictions.

Somehow things in the United States have gone horribly awry.  It would be difficult for the country to get much further away from our own founding document, the Constitution.

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