Inalienably Yours

Archive for the category “revolution”

Who Will Fire the First Shot?

Yesterday, we had a little history lesson regarding the Battle of Lexington Green, the first battle of the First Revolutionary War.

Today, I want to talk about the present, where it seems that we are right on the cusp of the Second Revolution.

Take yourself back in time and imagine those early patriots, standing their ground on one side of the bridge against the British.  They were out-manned.  They were out-gunned.  They were not trained.  They were an assortment of farmers and merchants and tradesmen who had just been roused out of bed by the ringing of the church bells, and they were determined to keep the British from invading their settlement, taking their food and disarming them. 

Someone had the courage to fire that very first shot….”the shot heard ’round the world.”  Historical accounts are not in agreement with which revolutionary soldier fired the shot….but someone had the courage to do it.  With lead and powder, that man said, “Enough.”

Today, our liberties are vanishing at a mind-boggling speed.  There is a lot of hue and cry, but for so many years, we have been conditioned to obey, to follow the laws and to respect authority, that nobody has yet stood up to say, “Enough.”

The problem that I see is a lack of leadership and organization in today’s Patriot Movement.  Nobody wants to be responsible for firing the first shot in this war…and it is most assuredly war.

The government is plowing over the people like an armored tank over a dirt road, simply driving right over anything and anyone in their way.  They have hardly paused in their hostile takeover of our liberties because we have not yet banded together to stop them.  We have not fought back.

Everyone knows that the election in South Carolina was rigged.  Newt Gingrich had so few supporters there two days ago that he cancelled an appearance and suddenly he was the clear and marked winner?  Everyone knows that despite the fact the Congress has shelved the SOPA bill, they are still censoring the internet, with examples like forcing Google to remove Infowars from it’s search engines and disabling commenting ability on some of the mainstream media sites.  Everyone knows that the media is complete owned by the government and special interest groups, thus feeding the people absolutely nothing but propaganda.

And yet, we sit, waiting for someone to fire the first shot.

What are we waiting for?

Are we waiting for the day the Internet goes dark?

Are we waiting for the next false flag event?

Are we waiting for martial law to be declared?

Are we waiting until government thugs show up to seize our guns?

The time is now.  We must fight for our rights before these things occur, because when the streets are lined with American soldiers on one side and ordinary citizens on the other, the loss of life will be tremendous.  The fear of those who have never had a gun aimed at them will be palpable, and the potential for many to bow to an unholy authority will be too great.

We must make as much noise as possible and refuse to tolerate the unconstitutional deeds that occur on a daily basis.  We must rouse our neighbours to stand beside us as we face off against those who would take our food, our families and our freedom.

Our first shot may not be one of lead and powder, but it needs to be fired.  If you are reading this, and you agree that the government is spiralling out of control, you ARE the resistance.

Where Did All the Patriots Go?

Once upon a time, in 1775, a shot was fired across the North Bridge in Lexington, Massachusetts.

That shot was fired from the hunting rifle of an early American farmer and began the Battle of Lexington Green to defend against the British invasion that put food and families at risk.

The first American Revolution was fought by ordinary men, fathers and sons roused from their sleep by the peal of church bells and the beat of drums.  They sought nothing more than to defend their homes and families from the invasion and subjugation of the British army. 

The early colonists who fought this fight were looking for freedom from unfair taxation, freedom from being jailed for voicing dissent against the British, and freedom to make decisions, without restrictions imposed by an imperial government looking for money earned by American sweat.

Today, are we looking for anything different?

The United States government raises taxes without regard to the input of the people.  Over 40,000 new laws were passed in 2011, making it difficult to step out your front door without committing some type of infraction. Indeed, the government is now even in our homes, installing mandatory Smart Meters to monitor our usage of electricity, proposing bills to monitor our internet and media freedoms, and passing the notorious NDAA so that they can haul away dissenting American citizens in the middle of the night without regard for the principles that our nation was founded on.  The government is going after one right after another as the attack on our Constitution grows.

Nearly 240 years ago regular people fought against overwhelming odds to provide the freedoms that we have enjoyed.

Now we are being invaded again.  Now our liberty is again at risk.

Where are the Patriots of today?  What shots are being fired against the tyranny of the US government?  When are the ordinary people of our country going to stand up, despite the odds, and reclaim our legacy of freedom, fought and won through blood soaking into our soil so many years ago.?

A shot must be fired before it’s too late.  The time for revolution is now.  Don’t let your grandchildren wonder, “Where did all the Patriots go?” 

The unborn Americans of tomorrow deserve the freedoms that have been fought and won before.

The battle has begun.  Will you stand up and fight?

Note: This post was inspired by a true friend and a genuine patriot who challenges me to read and learn..and then learn some more….you know who you are….thanks.

You Say You Want a Revolution……

Quiet revolutions are springing up everywhere.  There is an uprising afoot that is challenging the new laws because people from all walks of life are saying……

to the United States government.

For example……

HACKERS UNITE…..  With the threat of the SOPA bill making time short, hackers around the world are feverishly working to create a fallback internet infrastructure that cannot be censored.  The Hackerspace Global Grid is being created by some of the best minds in cyberspace.

OVER 100 MILLION FEWER AIR TRAVELERS……..Statistics right from the US government show a distinct drop in air travel between 2000 and 2011.  As the TSA Gestapo increases their sexual assault against passengers, more people are choosing other methods of travel,  This definitely affects the economy, as American Airlines is just the latest in a long list to go belly up since 9/11.

MONTANA BEGINS THE PROCESS TO RECALL CONGRESSMEN……After the atrocity of the NDAA passed both the House and the Senate, fed up Montanans pulled out their Constitution and began the process. 

THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT……While you may not agree with the goals or the financial backing, you can’t argue with the numbers.  The Occupy movement mobilized people across the world to stand up to the PTB through protests and civil disobedience.  Today the Occupy movement begins their protest against NDAA, and on January 17th begins to Occupy Congress – does anyone else suspect that this might be the first public example of NDAA in action?

ALTERNATIVE MEDIA FIGHTS RON PAUL MEDIA BLACKOUT……..When it became glaringly obvious that the mainstream media was doing all it could to ignore Ron Paul as a viable candidate, alternative journalists came out in droves.  He has had more coverage on blogs, Facebook and other social networking sites, and Youtube than any other candidate.  CNN was outed for editing an interview with Dr. Paul in an unflattering way.  FOX and CBS were both blasted online for virtually shunning Dr. Paul during the Republican debates, as it came to light that he received only 89 SECONDS of airtime in a November debate.

Oathkeepers Say No Many peace officers and members of Oathkeepers have signed letters of intent not to carry out orders that are in defiance of the vows they took to “protect and serve”, stating that the NDAA is in direct violation of that oath.

A Declaration of the People …..All over the internet patriot bloggers and organizations are posting this declaration that they refuse to accept the unconstitutional act known as the NDAA, and that they will not aggress, but will defend their rights.

Small revolutions are breaking out all over the country as people become more and more outraged at the purposeful erosion of the Constitution by those in power. Find one you can stand behind and take part!  Start your own revolution! 

Be loud and be heard….don’t let your freedoms and rights be taken away without a fight!

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