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Archive for the category “daisy luther”

DHS: Rightwing Extremism is on the Rise

There’s a new conspiracy theory in town, and this one has been created by the government.  The Department of Homeland Gestapo Security has released a 10 page report outlining the next great threat to the United States government. 

Ummmm……apparently it’s us.

The report is a mix of so-called conspiracy theories described in language that makes them seem irrational.

For example:

Anti-government conspiracy theories and “end time” prophecies could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition and weapons.

Right-wing extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy, the perceived loss of US jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and home foreclosures.  Anti-Semitic extremists attribute these losses to a deliberate conspiracy conducted by a cabal of Jewish financial “elites”.

Because debates over Constitutional rights are intense, and parties on all sides have deeply held, sincere but vastly divergent beliefs, violent extremists may attempt to co-opt the debate and use the controversy as a radicalization tool.

….A correlation may exist between the potential passage of gun control legislation and increased hoarding of ammunition, weapons stockpiling and paramilitary training activities among right wing extremists.

The ten page report goes on to group together returning veterans, neo-Nazi skinheads, and anti-government conspiracy theorists as radical dangers to the United States government. 

The report concludes with a plea for information from the readers of this document to collect details about the suspicious activities of one’s neighbors and immediately report them to the appropriate authorities.  It is complete with telephone numbers and contact numbers for the FBI, the DHS, and the NOCFusion email address.

This report attempts to take the  valid concerns of Americans and twist them into something crazy and extreme.  It is an effort to paint those of us who consider the Constitution the guiding document of law in our country as nutcases hiding behind trees in an attempt to pick off politicians.  It takes our very legitimate concerns about the state of our country and its leadership and trivializes those concerns into the rants of a bunch of kooks.  Decrying our veterans is a thinly veiled attack on groups like The Oathkeepers and The John Birch Society.

However, I think this piece of blatant propaganda is good news.


“They” know that we have their number.  “They” are scared.  “They” know that their limits have been exceeded and that the people are ready to stand up and say, “NO MORE.”

This is a last-ditch effort on the part of an unConstitutional government to marginalize those of us who would defy the efforts to clamp down on the personal liberties this country was built on. 

Today, I intend to chatter angrily on the internet, arrange my cans of stockpiled food and organize my personal armory.  Later I might also walk the dog and participate in an encrypted conversation with a friend who is a veteran.  I also need to theorize about some more conspiracies.

Long live the revolution!

Just Let Them Vote…It’s Not Like It Will Change Anything

As an American voter, do you ever get the feeling that you are being given a vote just so you feel like you have a say in what is going on in your country?  Do you ever think that the privelege of voting has become a condescending pat on the head, like a small child sitting on the lap of an adult and holding the steering wheel being told he is “driving”? Are the “powers that be” just humoring us to keep us quiet until their agenda is satisfied and their next puppet is in place in the Oval Office?

The Charlestown Post and Courier carried the story today that over 900 of the voters that allegedly voted were…………


Those folks are not just a little sleepy.  We aren’t calling them lethargic.  Legally dead, duly buried and only voting if they are doing it through a medium.

The Department of Motor Vehicles began comparing records of death certificates with the State Election Commission voting records, and interestingly enough, they’ve found more than 900 of said voters who are deceased.

It’s amazing how this can happen in a state that REQUIRES PHOTO ID to vote!!!

The electoral process in the United States is severely compromised.  In every state that has had a primary, there have been questions about the veracity of the numbers.

How can the people trust the process that is proven to be as rife with corruption as Washington DC itself?

It was astonishing that Gingrich won the South Carolina primary, despite the interviews with his former wife that reflected horribly on his character (or lack thereof), despite the fact that he cancelled an appearance because nobody showed up to listen to him speak, despite the fact that straw polls put RON PAUL in the lead and Gingrich third to Romney.

Not only are there dead folks voting, but the entire vote in S.C. was taken electronically.  One witness said that when the votes were tallied he was not allowed to be in the same room, but had to watch the tally via a projector.

Working backwards, The Des Moines Register has announced that there are so many “missing” votes that there is no way the results in Iowa can ever be officially certified. So that primary too, is compromised.

Project Veritas volunteers in New Hampshire tested the voting system during the primaries and were given ballots when using the names of dead constituents, so apparently the dead get to vote legally in that state as well. The votes in that state have been recounted several times with several different results, rendering those results untrustworthy as well.

The electoral system is so broken that it appears to be utterly worthless. The only way to take back the elections is by going back to paper ballots and having people from each campaign responsible for hand counting the votes.  Verified photo ID must be shown.  In this day of computers and credit checks there is absolutely a fraud-resistant way to confirm the identity of the voters.

We must take back the electoral process or we will end up with another puppet to the elite with the preordained agenda of the ending the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

What can you do to help?  I’m always a proponent of letter-writing and email campaigns.  Volunteer to do everything you can to help out with your local elections and if you see something that isn’t right say something about it and don’t stop saying it until everybody hears you.  Take part in the process in your area and resolve to do your part to keep the elections clean, whether or not your personal favorite candidate is the winner.  Encourage others to do the same. 

Be loud and be heard.  Let’s endeavour to  keep the rest of the elections fair and accurate.  If we are not the watchdogs, who will be?

Where Did All the Patriots Go?

Once upon a time, in 1775, a shot was fired across the North Bridge in Lexington, Massachusetts.

That shot was fired from the hunting rifle of an early American farmer and began the Battle of Lexington Green to defend against the British invasion that put food and families at risk.

The first American Revolution was fought by ordinary men, fathers and sons roused from their sleep by the peal of church bells and the beat of drums.  They sought nothing more than to defend their homes and families from the invasion and subjugation of the British army. 

The early colonists who fought this fight were looking for freedom from unfair taxation, freedom from being jailed for voicing dissent against the British, and freedom to make decisions, without restrictions imposed by an imperial government looking for money earned by American sweat.

Today, are we looking for anything different?

The United States government raises taxes without regard to the input of the people.  Over 40,000 new laws were passed in 2011, making it difficult to step out your front door without committing some type of infraction. Indeed, the government is now even in our homes, installing mandatory Smart Meters to monitor our usage of electricity, proposing bills to monitor our internet and media freedoms, and passing the notorious NDAA so that they can haul away dissenting American citizens in the middle of the night without regard for the principles that our nation was founded on.  The government is going after one right after another as the attack on our Constitution grows.

Nearly 240 years ago regular people fought against overwhelming odds to provide the freedoms that we have enjoyed.

Now we are being invaded again.  Now our liberty is again at risk.

Where are the Patriots of today?  What shots are being fired against the tyranny of the US government?  When are the ordinary people of our country going to stand up, despite the odds, and reclaim our legacy of freedom, fought and won through blood soaking into our soil so many years ago.?

A shot must be fired before it’s too late.  The time for revolution is now.  Don’t let your grandchildren wonder, “Where did all the Patriots go?” 

The unborn Americans of tomorrow deserve the freedoms that have been fought and won before.

The battle has begun.  Will you stand up and fight?

Note: This post was inspired by a true friend and a genuine patriot who challenges me to read and learn..and then learn some more….you know who you are….thanks.

The Enemy Expatriation Act: Could YOU Be a Target?

Flashback to the Third Reich.

I hope you didn’t breathe a sigh of relief when President Obama promised not to use the power of the NDAA, also known as the Indefinite Detainment Act, against US citizens.  You may be as American as Granny’s apple pie but it doesn’t mean you are safe. 

Currently on the table in the House of Representatives (HR 3166) and the Senate ( S 1698) is the Enemy Expatriation Act.  This venomous bit of legislation joins hands with the unPatriot Act and the NDAA to allow the United States government to strip Americans of their citizenship.

Why would they want to do that?  Well, there has to be a way to silence the dissenters.  This bill bears and eerie resemblance to a bill passed by the Third Reich in Germany in 1935.  The Nuremberg Laws took away the citizenship of German people based on race, blood type or dissent against Hitler’s regime.  The Expatriation Act threatens to take away citizenship of Americans for “engaging in, or purposefully and materially supporting, hostilities against the United States.”

The very ambiguity of this law, especially when added to the other unconstitutional acts that have recently and rapidly come to pass, should strike fear into the heart of any patriotic American.  For something as simple as DISAGREEING WITH YOUR GOVERNMENT you might be considered hostile.  For donating to the campaign of a constitutionalist, you might be considered hostile.  Other hostile acts that could label one a terrorist as per the DHS Gestapo could include having more than two weeks worth of stored food in your home, engaging is discourse on the internet regarding the state of the union, or even purchasing ammunition for your personal firearm.

This is another step down the slippery slope to a police state with total domination by the government.  It sneakily attempts to circumvent the exceptions put forth on previous bills to set at ease the minds of the people.  Their very diligence in finding ways to get around the arguments of the American people should make you very very uneasy. The conspiracy has ceased to be a theory and is now, simply an evident fact.

Paranoia is no longer a sign of a lack of rationality – it is the only sane reaction to the acts of a government gone insane.

Obama’s Thought Gestapo

With all of the hubbub about the passing of the NDAA, a couple of little things have slid in under the radar from the desk of President Obama.

On January 4th, he rolled out the carpet for the new Bureau of Counterrorism. Apparently this shiny new expenditure of taxpayer dollars serves “no greater responsibility than to protect the American people.”

Phew.  I guess we can all breathe a sigh of relief now.

Uh-oh…hang on to that sigh……a fact sheet released by the federal government more fully outlines the department, using the vague and open-to-interpretation language we are all becoming accustomed to.  Read it yourself and see if you get that warm and cozy feeling of security or if you get that itchy feeling on the back of your neck that you are witnessing the creation of a thought Gestapo.

My biggest concern comes from this section:

Countering violent extremism:  To defeat terrorists, we must undermine their ability to recruit.  The Bureau of Counterterrorism will focus the State Department in US government counter violent extremism……will work to delegitimize the violent extremist narrative, to develop positive alternatives for populations vulnerable to recruitment, and to build partner government and civil society capacity to counter violent extremism themselves.

In that section alone, I read this……

We, the government must defeat the insurgents by undermining their ability to spread the word about what we are doing.  The Bureau will focus on getting rid of people who make too much noise….will work to censor their message on the internet, in print and over the airwaves…..will endeavour to program young people to believe that we alone are looking out for their best interests……and will strive to convince the populace that those fighting for their freedom are the enemy, and must be destroyed.

The government of the United States is striving to induce Stockholm Syndrome in it’s citizens.  Stockholm Syndrome is defined as ” the extraordinary phenomena in which captives begin to identify with and grow sympathetic towards their captors.”  When you are dependant on one source for food, shelter and permission for anything that you do, you begin to see that source as something to be revered.  You begin to feel sheltered by your very captor, as they lull you into a sense that they alone are caring for you.

When you add this new bureau to all of the rights claimed by the government through the NDAA, you can clearly begin to see the pieces falling into place for even more enslavement.  We are now at risk from the opinion police and disagreement could be very hazardous to one’s health and well-being.

Let it be known that we are smarter than that.  Let it be known that we will not be drawn into a net of captivity “for our own good”.    We can teach our own children, we can think critically and we can defend our liberties, as they are God-given natural rights, and not privileges extended by the government.

No thanks, State Department. We don’t need another branch of the Obama Thought Gestapo.

The Internet: The Last Bastion of Free Speech

In the fight for free speech, the internet is the last holdout.  It is the only place that your opinion can be your opinion and can be stated as loudly as you want without fear of repercussions.

But not for long if the US Congress has it’s way…..

Much like the treasonous, unconstitutional NDAA, Congress wants to pass another bill to undermine personal freedom and, of course, yet another amendment.  This time they are taking a crack at the 1st amendment with H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA.

By quick and vague definition it makes a lot of sense.  Sheesh, criminals are making a killing stealing music and movie off the internet, when good and decent folks pay for all that!  By golly, it’s gotta stop!

My favorite presidential candidate, Senator Ron Paul, disagrees.  See this article to hear more from Dr. Paul on the subject.

But wait….on closer inspection, the legalese in the bill has the potential to eviscerate free speech….and like NDAA, without proof…only with suspicion of “wrong-doing”.  It’s all about copyright infringement.  If you tick off the powers that be, and you’ve quoted someone, somewhere, saying something, you may have infringed on their copyright.  As a defendant, you are not even present at the legal proceeding allowing “them” to shut you down until you prove yourself innocent.

How do they shut you down?  Search engines are required to remove you from their listings.  Internet Service Providers can be ordered to block access to your site.  Advertising networks and payment providers can also be forced to cease doing business with you.  This continues until you are proven INNOCENT.  Wait – I thought it was innocent until proven guilty….oh….that was “before” the NDAA.

Not only can SOPA nail you with a felony for “infringing” on a copyright (by doing something as small as playing a clip of a hit song during a photo montage ) – it can get you for “facilitating” infringement, which could be something as small as a hyperlink on your blog.  SOPA also targets address-spoofers and proxies that people around the world use to protect their anonymity.

What can you, as an everyday Jill or Jack, do about this?  How can you see to it that this bill doesn’t get out of the House of Representatives?

MAKE SOME NOISE!!!  Take the gloves off.  Share this post and others like it with everyone you know.  Send it to your Representatives and Senators.  Call those same members of congress and let them know that you will be watching their voting records.  Write letters to the editor of your local papers.  USE YOUR VOICES.

Feel free to share all or part of anything you read on my blog to help get the word out!

Daisy, Pinky, and The New World Order

A lot of people have asked me a question recently.  “Daisy, you don’t even live in the United States anymore.  Why are you so concerned about the politics and the economic situation there?”

I have  few goals with this blog and with my Facebook page.  To understand those goals, you need to understand a little bit about me. I am an American citizen who has lived in Canada for the past 16 years.  No, I’m not on the lam for a capital crime.  I simply married a Canadian and this is where we made our home.

Over the years I’ve come to see how interrelated the two countries are.  We share the oldest undefended border on the globe.  As the economics of the United States go, so go the economics of Canada, since the Canadian economy is based on exports to the US.  When the US is in a war, Canadian soldiers aren’t far behind, although their role is that of peacekeeper, as they render aid to those whose lives are ravaged in war-torn countries.  If someone bombs the US with a nuke, the mushroom will quite likely spread over Canada.  Like it or not, the bond is irrevocable by nature of history and geography. The intertwined fact is that the President of the United States influences Canada just as directly as does the Prime Minister.

Secondly, I’m still registered to vote in the US and do so at my local embassy.  I’m saddened and horrified as the liberties that I took for granted as a young American are siphoned away, dripping through a sieve of oligarchy.  These rights aren’t just American rights, they are the God-given right of every human the minute they draw breath in the world.

Finally, I’m concerned when I see that 90% of the wealth in the world is owned by about 6000 people.  That leaves the rest of the resources to be divided by the other 7 billion folks.  As the population continues to increase, the distribution of wealth does not.  Those in power are those with the money, and they are, it appears, attempting to take over the world.

From the new unity between the United States and Canada to the new police force being created by billionaire George Soros to the FEMA detention camps springing up all over North America, it’s evident that somebody is intent on taking over the world. 

I adore a good conspiracy theory, but this particular theory of a totalitarian one-world government is approaching a flat out conspiracy with very little of the theory part left open to question.

After reading story after story of the Department of Homeland Gestapo Security, I decided it was time to stop commenting on message boards where everyone agrees with me – preaching to the choir.  I decided that it was my duty as a resident of Canada, a citizen of America and a patron of the planet, to do my small part in opening up the conversation and bringing up points that the mainstream media ignores.

Welcome.  Tinfoil hats optional!

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