Inalienably Yours

Archive for the category “congress”

The Obama Manifesto?

In 1848, Karl Marx, with the help of Friedrich Engels and the Communist League, published The Communist Manifesto.  In this pamphlet, Marx outlined the 10 principles of Communism.

Today, in 2012, the Obama administration, aided and abetted by the Congress, seems to be aiming our country more towards those principles while trampling all over the standards laid out by the US Constitution.

1.) ABOLITION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY  More and more homes are being lost to foreclosure every day.  Property taxes are skyrocketing, while property values decrease.  If you think you actually own your home or place of business, try going for a year without paying your taxes.  The government simply lets you use the building, and charges you rent via the taxes.

2.) PROGRESSIVE TAX Progressive tax increases an individual’s taxation level as their income increases, then distributes these funds to the less fortunate.   Under the current administration, entitlement spending has been the fastest growing sector of government spending.

3.)  ABOLITION OF RIGHTS OF INHERITANCE Obama supported an increase in federal estate tax rates to 45%. After lengthy squabbling it was settled at 25%. However, in 2013, if the tax is not repealed, it could rise immediately to as high as 55%.  Some states also have their own estate tax.

4.)  CONFISCATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF EMIGRANTS AND REBELS It remains to be seen what will happen to the property of those detained under the NDAA, but I know where I’d put my money if I was a betting person.

5.)  A CENTRAL BANK Can you say “Federal Reserve”?  Further, with the bailouts, the “too big to fail” banks are all funded by the US government anyway.

6.)  GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF COMMUNICATION AND TRANSPORTATION The NDAA considers the internet an “operation domain”.    This allows the Department of Defense “upon direction by the President may conduct offensive operations in cyberspace.” We can’t forget PCNAA (Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act) which is also called the “Internet Kill Switch” bill.   If SOPA passes, even more restrictions will occur.  As for transportation, if you travel by air, prepare to be molested by thugs.  Coming soon?  TSA in your local train and bus stations.

7.)  GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF FACTORIES AND AGRICULTURE Corn subsidies, automotive bailouts, and rigorous manufacturing and FDA restrictions are the way that the government is currently controlling the goods produced in the United States.

8.)  GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF LABOR The working class cannot profit from their labor if the government taxes them excessively.  As more and more American jobs are shipped overseas, the government exercises more control over the jobs that are available.  The high debtloads encouraged for most American families through overlending means that there aren’t as many options to retire early, work part time, or be self-employed.

9.)  CORPORATE FARMS AND REGIONAL PLANNING “Food Modernization” bills mean less freedom for farmers to provide options like organic goods.  The pressure to use GMO seeds to receive the government subsidies could also mean a staggering famine in the near future, which plays into the revolving scenario of more dependency on the government.

10.)  GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF EDUCATION When the government supplies the funding for education, they also make the rules.  The current administration is taking steps to waive student loans and to grant billions more in educational dollars via Pell grants to allow more young people to attend college.  This comes with another price tag:  a student’s course of study must meet the administrations rigorous restrictions.

Somehow things in the United States have gone horribly awry.  It would be difficult for the country to get much further away from our own founding document, the Constitution.

Anti-SOPA Email Campaign

Please feel free to use the following letter in part or in full to contact your local Senators and Representatives to make your feelings known regarding the SOPA bill that is currently on the table in Congress. A link to the email contact information for every member of congress follows.

Let’s make some noise about this!  Let’s use the power of alternative media before they take it away from us!

The Honorable (full name)
United States (Senate or House of Representatives)
Washington DC

Dear (proper name, i.e., Senator Smith)

My name is XXXXXX and I am a member of your constituency.  I am a registered voter and am active at every election.  It is my understanding that your purpose in Washington is to represent the wishes of those who elect you.

First, I’d like to tell you how disappointed I am in the passing of the NDAA.  I have a thorough understanding of the legislation and I feel as though this is a black mark against the Constitution.  The reason I am writing you today is to tell you my thoughts on Bill H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act.  After contemplation of this document, I feel that it is misnamed as a way to manipulate the people into believing that it is for our own good.  This bill is clearly an attack on the First Amendment and intended to police the internet.  This bill is designed specifically to legalize government censorship.

I urge you to vote AGAINST the passing of the SOPA bill.  Please be assured that I will be checking the roll call on this vote and plan to be very vocal in my support of those who vote against it, or, alternatively, in my criticism of those who vote for it.

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  I hope that I can count on you to protect my rights under the Constitution, and that I can continue to support you as a voter from your electorate.




~   Use your first and last name
~  Don’t use profanity or be threatening
~  Be polite

To find the email addresses of your members, check this directory.

Please take a few minutes to send your emails today, and share this post with friends and family.  Let’s light up the internet and demand our rights today!

Our voices count!  Let’s keep the rights that make America great!

The Internet: The Last Bastion of Free Speech

In the fight for free speech, the internet is the last holdout.  It is the only place that your opinion can be your opinion and can be stated as loudly as you want without fear of repercussions.

But not for long if the US Congress has it’s way…..

Much like the treasonous, unconstitutional NDAA, Congress wants to pass another bill to undermine personal freedom and, of course, yet another amendment.  This time they are taking a crack at the 1st amendment with H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA.

By quick and vague definition it makes a lot of sense.  Sheesh, criminals are making a killing stealing music and movie off the internet, when good and decent folks pay for all that!  By golly, it’s gotta stop!

My favorite presidential candidate, Senator Ron Paul, disagrees.  See this article to hear more from Dr. Paul on the subject.

But wait….on closer inspection, the legalese in the bill has the potential to eviscerate free speech….and like NDAA, without proof…only with suspicion of “wrong-doing”.  It’s all about copyright infringement.  If you tick off the powers that be, and you’ve quoted someone, somewhere, saying something, you may have infringed on their copyright.  As a defendant, you are not even present at the legal proceeding allowing “them” to shut you down until you prove yourself innocent.

How do they shut you down?  Search engines are required to remove you from their listings.  Internet Service Providers can be ordered to block access to your site.  Advertising networks and payment providers can also be forced to cease doing business with you.  This continues until you are proven INNOCENT.  Wait – I thought it was innocent until proven guilty….oh….that was “before” the NDAA.

Not only can SOPA nail you with a felony for “infringing” on a copyright (by doing something as small as playing a clip of a hit song during a photo montage ) – it can get you for “facilitating” infringement, which could be something as small as a hyperlink on your blog.  SOPA also targets address-spoofers and proxies that people around the world use to protect their anonymity.

What can you, as an everyday Jill or Jack, do about this?  How can you see to it that this bill doesn’t get out of the House of Representatives?

MAKE SOME NOISE!!!  Take the gloves off.  Share this post and others like it with everyone you know.  Send it to your Representatives and Senators.  Call those same members of congress and let them know that you will be watching their voting records.  Write letters to the editor of your local papers.  USE YOUR VOICES.

Feel free to share all or part of anything you read on my blog to help get the word out!

Obama’s New Year’s Resolution? Martial Law

I hope the good people of the United States had a great celebration last night with parties, fireworks and noisemakers.  You may need to pour yourself another drink after you read this.

While everyone was celebrating, President Barack Obama made it official: 

The United States is now under martial law.
The National Defense Authorization Act allows the military to police the United States, it names the United States a war zone and it allows indefinite detention of the citizens without a trial.
2012 could bring a repeat of McCartheyesque witch hunts, with neighbours turning on neighbours.
With the (un)PATRIOT Act, Bush effectively repealed the 4th Amendment, which guarded against unreasonable search and siezure.
With the NDAA, Obama has iced the cake by ridding us of the pesky 5th and 6th amendments, with silly little rights like due process, involvement of the government in legal proceedings and a speedy trial by jury.
Who needs that stuff?  Not Americans, according to the government.
The US is now a police state.  Thugs in jackboots are REAL.
You can thank your members of Congress and your President for relieving you of these rights for “your own protection.”  Check HERE to see how your local reps voted. 
What can we do?  The bell has rung.  The only way to unring it is to use the Constitution for what it was designed for and unseat this government.
The members of congress that voted for this abomination of the Constitution should each and every one be recalled.  The state of Montana announced that for a Christmas gift, they were doing just that and issued notice of recall  to their senators.  Hopefully other states will follow close behind. 
The Oathkeepers are right there with Montana, launching their own campaign to recall members of congress who voted for the act.
As for the estimable President Obama, if ever there was a reason for impeachment, his signature on the dotted line is no less than an act of treason against the country he represents.  He has absolutely no place in the Oval Office and the people need to let him know it.  This is a criminal act against the United States of America and it places the American people one huge rung further down the ladder of subjugation.
My New Year’s resolution is this:  to tell everyone who will read it……
President Obama needs to either step down or be removed from office.  NDAA is a treasonous document.
Share this…..resolve to help right this wrong or the country you live in will not be the one you were raised in.

Guest Post: Honor in Government

I’d like to share another guest post from my friend, JD.  He is a passionate defender of the Constitution.  I urge you to share this post with your friends and family.  Send it to your local paper and share it as a letter to the editor.  Post a link to it on Facebook.  The mainstream media has been bought and paid for and the only way to get the word out and defend the American way of life is to use word of mouth and alternative media.  If you ever wondered how you could do your part, here is your answer. 
Help our voices be heard!


Yes,…Honor!… above all else.

In the end, it should NOT have mattered what the international Banksters wanted, how much money they had, how much they were willing to offer to see their covert designs get carried out.

In the end, IF,…if our elected representatives, appointed officials, and employees of our government had discharged their duties with complete selflessness, and performed their primary task of protecting the US Government and its peoples from the scourge of corruption, we would NOT be facing the complete tyrannical usurpation we are now in our most desperate hour with!

The Constitution as designed by our Founding Fathers, is an incredible system of government, designed around the fundamental premise that, “Government exist to protect the sovereign rights of the individual”, NOT what this criminal gov’t has distorted it to be, which is, “People Exist To Serve The Government”.

Although the Constitution was designed with checks and balances to stem the excess of any single branch of government, it had one serious flaw, an Achilles heel which has now permitted its complete subversion to occur;….it REQUIRED men of HONOR and SELFLESS dedication to serve it!

In other words, our Founding Fathers, for all their brilliance, forgot one aspect of human nature,… greed,….the wanton disregard of duty when replaced by avarice and the notion of self-importance in the hearts of men.

This is EXACTLY the psychological weakness that was exploited by the international Banksters, the Federal Reserve, and later the IMF and World Bank.

They simply bought off our own politicians to have them destroy our cherished bases of Constitutional protections from within! How perverse and insidious is that?

Now, because the Banksters own 95% of all the worlds wealth, they can bribe virtually any politician, any official, any judge, or any person in a critical position of authority or power who lacks honor, by simply offering the mesmerizing dazzle of unlimited wealth, and the ability for them to fully realize any manifestation of perversion, debauchery, and treachery their psychotic aberrations can imagine,…without consequence or limit!

Yes my fellow Americans,… I could not state it more fervently,… HONOR above all else!

It is with great sadness that I must inform you, our fellow countrymen, and the citizens of the world, the single most important trait needed in our leaders, politicians, police and institutions;…. HONOR… is the virtue most completely missing from their hearts…their minds,… and their actions.

Please, my fellow Americans… prepare yourself, your family, and friends for the worst.

JD – US Marines – Suffering from a broken heart over the destruction of our beloved country.

Poll Results: 81% want to ‘boot" their members of congress!

The thing that caught my eye this morning on CNN was the daily poll.  Obviously this isn’t necessarily a scientific poll.  It applies only to the readers of the CNN website that take a moment to read the question and click on the answer.  But the results of the poll at the time I looked at it were overwhelming:  81% of the folks who had voted were ready to CLEAN HOUSE IN CONGRESS and start over!

When I looked further, this echoes a Gallup poll of registered voters last week, where over 75% of those voters were ready to give their local representatives the axe.

Now if I was  congressperson, I’d be seriously thinking about something like this.  Clearly, the job they are doing to represent their areas are not representative of the opinions of their constituents.

I wonder which of the unconstitutional actions they have taken recently was the last straw?  Was it…..

  •  giving the military permission to indefinitely detain American citizens on nothing more than “suspicion”
  • the unbelievable cluster%&^ that is the US economy?
  • the fact that the only thing they’ve done to resolve unemployment is lengthen the time one can collect benefits?
  • that they renewed the unPatriot act, the most oxymoronic piece of legislation ever created?

The list could go on and on and I need more coffee, so I’ll stop there. 

Poetic justice would be for the unseated members of congress to have to leave, tail between their legs, and live on unemployment while seeking a job with the rest of the Americans who are out of work.

I hope that at the polls next November, this feeling continues. If you are this fed up, express it at the polls.  Overthrow congress with a ballot box revolution!

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