Inalienably Yours

Archive for the category “united states government”

Where Did All the Patriots Go?

Once upon a time, in 1775, a shot was fired across the North Bridge in Lexington, Massachusetts.

That shot was fired from the hunting rifle of an early American farmer and began the Battle of Lexington Green to defend against the British invasion that put food and families at risk.

The first American Revolution was fought by ordinary men, fathers and sons roused from their sleep by the peal of church bells and the beat of drums.  They sought nothing more than to defend their homes and families from the invasion and subjugation of the British army. 

The early colonists who fought this fight were looking for freedom from unfair taxation, freedom from being jailed for voicing dissent against the British, and freedom to make decisions, without restrictions imposed by an imperial government looking for money earned by American sweat.

Today, are we looking for anything different?

The United States government raises taxes without regard to the input of the people.  Over 40,000 new laws were passed in 2011, making it difficult to step out your front door without committing some type of infraction. Indeed, the government is now even in our homes, installing mandatory Smart Meters to monitor our usage of electricity, proposing bills to monitor our internet and media freedoms, and passing the notorious NDAA so that they can haul away dissenting American citizens in the middle of the night without regard for the principles that our nation was founded on.  The government is going after one right after another as the attack on our Constitution grows.

Nearly 240 years ago regular people fought against overwhelming odds to provide the freedoms that we have enjoyed.

Now we are being invaded again.  Now our liberty is again at risk.

Where are the Patriots of today?  What shots are being fired against the tyranny of the US government?  When are the ordinary people of our country going to stand up, despite the odds, and reclaim our legacy of freedom, fought and won through blood soaking into our soil so many years ago.?

A shot must be fired before it’s too late.  The time for revolution is now.  Don’t let your grandchildren wonder, “Where did all the Patriots go?” 

The unborn Americans of tomorrow deserve the freedoms that have been fought and won before.

The battle has begun.  Will you stand up and fight?

Note: This post was inspired by a true friend and a genuine patriot who challenges me to read and learn..and then learn some more….you know who you are….thanks.

Guest Post: Honor in Government

I’d like to share another guest post from my friend, JD.  He is a passionate defender of the Constitution.  I urge you to share this post with your friends and family.  Send it to your local paper and share it as a letter to the editor.  Post a link to it on Facebook.  The mainstream media has been bought and paid for and the only way to get the word out and defend the American way of life is to use word of mouth and alternative media.  If you ever wondered how you could do your part, here is your answer. 
Help our voices be heard!


Yes,…Honor!… above all else.

In the end, it should NOT have mattered what the international Banksters wanted, how much money they had, how much they were willing to offer to see their covert designs get carried out.

In the end, IF,…if our elected representatives, appointed officials, and employees of our government had discharged their duties with complete selflessness, and performed their primary task of protecting the US Government and its peoples from the scourge of corruption, we would NOT be facing the complete tyrannical usurpation we are now in our most desperate hour with!

The Constitution as designed by our Founding Fathers, is an incredible system of government, designed around the fundamental premise that, “Government exist to protect the sovereign rights of the individual”, NOT what this criminal gov’t has distorted it to be, which is, “People Exist To Serve The Government”.

Although the Constitution was designed with checks and balances to stem the excess of any single branch of government, it had one serious flaw, an Achilles heel which has now permitted its complete subversion to occur;….it REQUIRED men of HONOR and SELFLESS dedication to serve it!

In other words, our Founding Fathers, for all their brilliance, forgot one aspect of human nature,… greed,….the wanton disregard of duty when replaced by avarice and the notion of self-importance in the hearts of men.

This is EXACTLY the psychological weakness that was exploited by the international Banksters, the Federal Reserve, and later the IMF and World Bank.

They simply bought off our own politicians to have them destroy our cherished bases of Constitutional protections from within! How perverse and insidious is that?

Now, because the Banksters own 95% of all the worlds wealth, they can bribe virtually any politician, any official, any judge, or any person in a critical position of authority or power who lacks honor, by simply offering the mesmerizing dazzle of unlimited wealth, and the ability for them to fully realize any manifestation of perversion, debauchery, and treachery their psychotic aberrations can imagine,…without consequence or limit!

Yes my fellow Americans,… I could not state it more fervently,… HONOR above all else!

It is with great sadness that I must inform you, our fellow countrymen, and the citizens of the world, the single most important trait needed in our leaders, politicians, police and institutions;…. HONOR… is the virtue most completely missing from their hearts…their minds,… and their actions.

Please, my fellow Americans… prepare yourself, your family, and friends for the worst.

JD – US Marines – Suffering from a broken heart over the destruction of our beloved country.

The End of One War and the Beginning of Another?

Last night, the United States House of Representatives slammed the door on the Constitution by passing the new National Defense Authorization Act.  Quite simply, the act declares the United States a war zone, in which anyone can be captured on SUSPICION of terrorist activity.  That unfortunate soul can then be detained forever  for an undetermined amount of time, without the right to a trial, without the right to contact an attorney, basically without the due process that is the basis of our entire civilian legal system.

Coincidentally, today marks the official “end of the war” in Iraq and our soldiers are coming home.  If I weren’t concerned that they were being brought home to declare another war, one on the American people, I’d rejoice at that bit of news.  The timing is just a bit ironic to me.

Initially President Obama had promised to veto this bill should it cross his desk, but I guess he got an offer he couldn’t refuse, because he has rescinded that promise.

This bill affects every man, woman and child on American soil.  You are now officially in a war zone and subject to the rules that apply in a war zone.  Share this information with everyone you know.  Contact your representatives and senators and let them know what you think of their traitorous actions.  I’m not being dramatic when I say this.


I started this blog to look at things going on with a little sense of humour, but this news is so very grim, there is no humour to be found.  Make a plan.  Take one step to defend your way of life.  My step is this blog and my Facebook page, to try and reach people that wouldn’t necessarily seek this information out. 

What are YOU going to do about this?

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