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Archive for the category “SOPA”

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SOPA Bill Is Shelved: Score ONE for the People!!!

Massive pressure from the people has caused a veto threat from Washington regarding the treacherous “SOPA” bill. (Stop Online Piracy Act).  The public outcry was big enough that congress has shelved the bill, which was nothing more than a slippery slide towards internet censorship….

Check out the details at SHTFplan

This is a victory for the voices of the people.  It’s a victory for every person who wrote to his or her members of congress.  It’s a victory for every person that shared blog posts and articles regarding the loss of freedom.  It’s a victory for social media users whose hue and cry inundated the net.

Remember this!  Let’s keep the momentum of this victory going and continue the fight against those who would silence us.

You Say You Want a Revolution……

Quiet revolutions are springing up everywhere.  There is an uprising afoot that is challenging the new laws because people from all walks of life are saying……

to the United States government.

For example……

HACKERS UNITE…..  With the threat of the SOPA bill making time short, hackers around the world are feverishly working to create a fallback internet infrastructure that cannot be censored.  The Hackerspace Global Grid is being created by some of the best minds in cyberspace.

OVER 100 MILLION FEWER AIR TRAVELERS……..Statistics right from the US government show a distinct drop in air travel between 2000 and 2011.  As the TSA Gestapo increases their sexual assault against passengers, more people are choosing other methods of travel,  This definitely affects the economy, as American Airlines is just the latest in a long list to go belly up since 9/11.

MONTANA BEGINS THE PROCESS TO RECALL CONGRESSMEN……After the atrocity of the NDAA passed both the House and the Senate, fed up Montanans pulled out their Constitution and began the process. 

THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT……While you may not agree with the goals or the financial backing, you can’t argue with the numbers.  The Occupy movement mobilized people across the world to stand up to the PTB through protests and civil disobedience.  Today the Occupy movement begins their protest against NDAA, and on January 17th begins to Occupy Congress – does anyone else suspect that this might be the first public example of NDAA in action?

ALTERNATIVE MEDIA FIGHTS RON PAUL MEDIA BLACKOUT……..When it became glaringly obvious that the mainstream media was doing all it could to ignore Ron Paul as a viable candidate, alternative journalists came out in droves.  He has had more coverage on blogs, Facebook and other social networking sites, and Youtube than any other candidate.  CNN was outed for editing an interview with Dr. Paul in an unflattering way.  FOX and CBS were both blasted online for virtually shunning Dr. Paul during the Republican debates, as it came to light that he received only 89 SECONDS of airtime in a November debate.

Oathkeepers Say No Many peace officers and members of Oathkeepers have signed letters of intent not to carry out orders that are in defiance of the vows they took to “protect and serve”, stating that the NDAA is in direct violation of that oath.

A Declaration of the People …..All over the internet patriot bloggers and organizations are posting this declaration that they refuse to accept the unconstitutional act known as the NDAA, and that they will not aggress, but will defend their rights.

Small revolutions are breaking out all over the country as people become more and more outraged at the purposeful erosion of the Constitution by those in power. Find one you can stand behind and take part!  Start your own revolution! 

Be loud and be heard….don’t let your freedoms and rights be taken away without a fight!

Anti-SOPA Email Campaign

Please feel free to use the following letter in part or in full to contact your local Senators and Representatives to make your feelings known regarding the SOPA bill that is currently on the table in Congress. A link to the email contact information for every member of congress follows.

Let’s make some noise about this!  Let’s use the power of alternative media before they take it away from us!

The Honorable (full name)
United States (Senate or House of Representatives)
Washington DC

Dear (proper name, i.e., Senator Smith)

My name is XXXXXX and I am a member of your constituency.  I am a registered voter and am active at every election.  It is my understanding that your purpose in Washington is to represent the wishes of those who elect you.

First, I’d like to tell you how disappointed I am in the passing of the NDAA.  I have a thorough understanding of the legislation and I feel as though this is a black mark against the Constitution.  The reason I am writing you today is to tell you my thoughts on Bill H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act.  After contemplation of this document, I feel that it is misnamed as a way to manipulate the people into believing that it is for our own good.  This bill is clearly an attack on the First Amendment and intended to police the internet.  This bill is designed specifically to legalize government censorship.

I urge you to vote AGAINST the passing of the SOPA bill.  Please be assured that I will be checking the roll call on this vote and plan to be very vocal in my support of those who vote against it, or, alternatively, in my criticism of those who vote for it.

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  I hope that I can count on you to protect my rights under the Constitution, and that I can continue to support you as a voter from your electorate.




~   Use your first and last name
~  Don’t use profanity or be threatening
~  Be polite

To find the email addresses of your members, check this directory.

Please take a few minutes to send your emails today, and share this post with friends and family.  Let’s light up the internet and demand our rights today!

Our voices count!  Let’s keep the rights that make America great!

The Internet: The Last Bastion of Free Speech

In the fight for free speech, the internet is the last holdout.  It is the only place that your opinion can be your opinion and can be stated as loudly as you want without fear of repercussions.

But not for long if the US Congress has it’s way…..

Much like the treasonous, unconstitutional NDAA, Congress wants to pass another bill to undermine personal freedom and, of course, yet another amendment.  This time they are taking a crack at the 1st amendment with H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA.

By quick and vague definition it makes a lot of sense.  Sheesh, criminals are making a killing stealing music and movie off the internet, when good and decent folks pay for all that!  By golly, it’s gotta stop!

My favorite presidential candidate, Senator Ron Paul, disagrees.  See this article to hear more from Dr. Paul on the subject.

But wait….on closer inspection, the legalese in the bill has the potential to eviscerate free speech….and like NDAA, without proof…only with suspicion of “wrong-doing”.  It’s all about copyright infringement.  If you tick off the powers that be, and you’ve quoted someone, somewhere, saying something, you may have infringed on their copyright.  As a defendant, you are not even present at the legal proceeding allowing “them” to shut you down until you prove yourself innocent.

How do they shut you down?  Search engines are required to remove you from their listings.  Internet Service Providers can be ordered to block access to your site.  Advertising networks and payment providers can also be forced to cease doing business with you.  This continues until you are proven INNOCENT.  Wait – I thought it was innocent until proven guilty….oh….that was “before” the NDAA.

Not only can SOPA nail you with a felony for “infringing” on a copyright (by doing something as small as playing a clip of a hit song during a photo montage ) – it can get you for “facilitating” infringement, which could be something as small as a hyperlink on your blog.  SOPA also targets address-spoofers and proxies that people around the world use to protect their anonymity.

What can you, as an everyday Jill or Jack, do about this?  How can you see to it that this bill doesn’t get out of the House of Representatives?

MAKE SOME NOISE!!!  Take the gloves off.  Share this post and others like it with everyone you know.  Send it to your Representatives and Senators.  Call those same members of congress and let them know that you will be watching their voting records.  Write letters to the editor of your local papers.  USE YOUR VOICES.

Feel free to share all or part of anything you read on my blog to help get the word out!

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