Inalienably Yours

Archive for the month “January, 2012”

Open Letter to Google

Dear Google:

Well, you’ve done it now.  You’ve really ticked me off and I am breaking up with you.

Just because you are bigger than everyone else, it doesn’t mean that I’m going to tolerate you bullying me and controlling me.

You have changed from being my friend, someone I could look to for answers, into being someone who tries to protect me from the truth “for my own good.”  You have a tool for the advancement of communism.

An example, you ask?

What about the fact that when I use you to search for information, you only provide me with the information YOU want me to have?  Despite the fact that Infowars and Prison Planet get more hits than many of the mainstream news affiliates, their information no longer comes up unless I specifically ask for them.  Google, you have actually removed Infowars from your aggregator system in an effort to censor what I read!!!!  Because of government pressure, even though the SOPA bill has been shelved, you are doing your own version of SOPA by blacklisting sites that do not toe the party line.

Google, you aren’t my father.  I don’t need you to sift through the information available and decide what I should be reading.  If you can’t lay it out there and give me all of the pertinent information I’m requesting, you aren’t someone that I want to be with.

Furthermore, Google, I believe that you are spying on me.  Don’t try and deny it.  When I disable cookies in my control panel, I get messages from you saying I cannot access my own  blog without them.  This blog is my intellectual property and you have no right whatsoever to keep me from it.  But suddenly, it seems, I must permit you to spy on me and plant things in my computer to have access to my own blog. 

And there’s more, Google.  Imagine my dismay when I read that you are considering policing us all by gathering information about “thought crimes”.  Your possessiveness of my mind has to end.  I’m allowed to study things that interest me, like government conspiracies, the safety of the vaccines that I’m urged to give my children, or the veracity of current global warming theories.  Not only are you planning to “tell” on me for studying these things, you are planning on providing me with only the information YOU want me to have.  It’s true….I read it HERE!!! You are pretending to be my friend when you are actually in the back pocket of the greedy elite like George Creepy Soros.

My fury with you, Google, is unmatched.  I refuse to be with someone who doesn’t respect my intelligence as a person, who does not allow me the privilege of reading all of the information and sifting through it myself, and who has so little respect for my intellectual curiosity that they would provide me only with propaganda.

So, Google, this is how it is.

I’m leaving you.

I’ve found a new search engine.  I’m with now, and you’re just going to have to deal with it.  Yes, startpage may be a little slower and may not provide the same results, but at least I know that startpage can be trusted, unlike you, dear Google.

I’ve cancelled the ads on my blog – you can keep your money.  I’d write this blog on a pile of diner napkins and air drop them before I’d continue to take money from you.  Your ads, while lining my pockets, are also just a way for you to keep me under your thumb, abiding by your rules.

I’m searching for a new host for my blog because of your controlling ways.  It may not happen today or tomorrow, but I can easily foresee the day in which you begin censoring what I write, and that simply will not be tolerated.

I’ve removed your toolbar from my computer.  Yes, Google, it’s packed up in a box and I’ll leave it on the porch for you if you want to pick it up.  Otherwise, it goes out with the garbage on Friday.  I want nothing from you left in my computer.

It’s over Google.


DHS: Rightwing Extremism is on the Rise

There’s a new conspiracy theory in town, and this one has been created by the government.  The Department of Homeland Gestapo Security has released a 10 page report outlining the next great threat to the United States government. 

Ummmm……apparently it’s us.

The report is a mix of so-called conspiracy theories described in language that makes them seem irrational.

For example:

Anti-government conspiracy theories and “end time” prophecies could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition and weapons.

Right-wing extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy, the perceived loss of US jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and home foreclosures.  Anti-Semitic extremists attribute these losses to a deliberate conspiracy conducted by a cabal of Jewish financial “elites”.

Because debates over Constitutional rights are intense, and parties on all sides have deeply held, sincere but vastly divergent beliefs, violent extremists may attempt to co-opt the debate and use the controversy as a radicalization tool.

….A correlation may exist between the potential passage of gun control legislation and increased hoarding of ammunition, weapons stockpiling and paramilitary training activities among right wing extremists.

The ten page report goes on to group together returning veterans, neo-Nazi skinheads, and anti-government conspiracy theorists as radical dangers to the United States government. 

The report concludes with a plea for information from the readers of this document to collect details about the suspicious activities of one’s neighbors and immediately report them to the appropriate authorities.  It is complete with telephone numbers and contact numbers for the FBI, the DHS, and the NOCFusion email address.

This report attempts to take the  valid concerns of Americans and twist them into something crazy and extreme.  It is an effort to paint those of us who consider the Constitution the guiding document of law in our country as nutcases hiding behind trees in an attempt to pick off politicians.  It takes our very legitimate concerns about the state of our country and its leadership and trivializes those concerns into the rants of a bunch of kooks.  Decrying our veterans is a thinly veiled attack on groups like The Oathkeepers and The John Birch Society.

However, I think this piece of blatant propaganda is good news.


“They” know that we have their number.  “They” are scared.  “They” know that their limits have been exceeded and that the people are ready to stand up and say, “NO MORE.”

This is a last-ditch effort on the part of an unConstitutional government to marginalize those of us who would defy the efforts to clamp down on the personal liberties this country was built on. 

Today, I intend to chatter angrily on the internet, arrange my cans of stockpiled food and organize my personal armory.  Later I might also walk the dog and participate in an encrypted conversation with a friend who is a veteran.  I also need to theorize about some more conspiracies.

Long live the revolution!

Just Let Them Vote…It’s Not Like It Will Change Anything

As an American voter, do you ever get the feeling that you are being given a vote just so you feel like you have a say in what is going on in your country?  Do you ever think that the privelege of voting has become a condescending pat on the head, like a small child sitting on the lap of an adult and holding the steering wheel being told he is “driving”? Are the “powers that be” just humoring us to keep us quiet until their agenda is satisfied and their next puppet is in place in the Oval Office?

The Charlestown Post and Courier carried the story today that over 900 of the voters that allegedly voted were…………


Those folks are not just a little sleepy.  We aren’t calling them lethargic.  Legally dead, duly buried and only voting if they are doing it through a medium.

The Department of Motor Vehicles began comparing records of death certificates with the State Election Commission voting records, and interestingly enough, they’ve found more than 900 of said voters who are deceased.

It’s amazing how this can happen in a state that REQUIRES PHOTO ID to vote!!!

The electoral process in the United States is severely compromised.  In every state that has had a primary, there have been questions about the veracity of the numbers.

How can the people trust the process that is proven to be as rife with corruption as Washington DC itself?

It was astonishing that Gingrich won the South Carolina primary, despite the interviews with his former wife that reflected horribly on his character (or lack thereof), despite the fact that he cancelled an appearance because nobody showed up to listen to him speak, despite the fact that straw polls put RON PAUL in the lead and Gingrich third to Romney.

Not only are there dead folks voting, but the entire vote in S.C. was taken electronically.  One witness said that when the votes were tallied he was not allowed to be in the same room, but had to watch the tally via a projector.

Working backwards, The Des Moines Register has announced that there are so many “missing” votes that there is no way the results in Iowa can ever be officially certified. So that primary too, is compromised.

Project Veritas volunteers in New Hampshire tested the voting system during the primaries and were given ballots when using the names of dead constituents, so apparently the dead get to vote legally in that state as well. The votes in that state have been recounted several times with several different results, rendering those results untrustworthy as well.

The electoral system is so broken that it appears to be utterly worthless. The only way to take back the elections is by going back to paper ballots and having people from each campaign responsible for hand counting the votes.  Verified photo ID must be shown.  In this day of computers and credit checks there is absolutely a fraud-resistant way to confirm the identity of the voters.

We must take back the electoral process or we will end up with another puppet to the elite with the preordained agenda of the ending the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

What can you do to help?  I’m always a proponent of letter-writing and email campaigns.  Volunteer to do everything you can to help out with your local elections and if you see something that isn’t right say something about it and don’t stop saying it until everybody hears you.  Take part in the process in your area and resolve to do your part to keep the elections clean, whether or not your personal favorite candidate is the winner.  Encourage others to do the same. 

Be loud and be heard.  Let’s endeavour to  keep the rest of the elections fair and accurate.  If we are not the watchdogs, who will be?

Who Will Fire the First Shot?

Yesterday, we had a little history lesson regarding the Battle of Lexington Green, the first battle of the First Revolutionary War.

Today, I want to talk about the present, where it seems that we are right on the cusp of the Second Revolution.

Take yourself back in time and imagine those early patriots, standing their ground on one side of the bridge against the British.  They were out-manned.  They were out-gunned.  They were not trained.  They were an assortment of farmers and merchants and tradesmen who had just been roused out of bed by the ringing of the church bells, and they were determined to keep the British from invading their settlement, taking their food and disarming them. 

Someone had the courage to fire that very first shot….”the shot heard ’round the world.”  Historical accounts are not in agreement with which revolutionary soldier fired the shot….but someone had the courage to do it.  With lead and powder, that man said, “Enough.”

Today, our liberties are vanishing at a mind-boggling speed.  There is a lot of hue and cry, but for so many years, we have been conditioned to obey, to follow the laws and to respect authority, that nobody has yet stood up to say, “Enough.”

The problem that I see is a lack of leadership and organization in today’s Patriot Movement.  Nobody wants to be responsible for firing the first shot in this war…and it is most assuredly war.

The government is plowing over the people like an armored tank over a dirt road, simply driving right over anything and anyone in their way.  They have hardly paused in their hostile takeover of our liberties because we have not yet banded together to stop them.  We have not fought back.

Everyone knows that the election in South Carolina was rigged.  Newt Gingrich had so few supporters there two days ago that he cancelled an appearance and suddenly he was the clear and marked winner?  Everyone knows that despite the fact the Congress has shelved the SOPA bill, they are still censoring the internet, with examples like forcing Google to remove Infowars from it’s search engines and disabling commenting ability on some of the mainstream media sites.  Everyone knows that the media is complete owned by the government and special interest groups, thus feeding the people absolutely nothing but propaganda.

And yet, we sit, waiting for someone to fire the first shot.

What are we waiting for?

Are we waiting for the day the Internet goes dark?

Are we waiting for the next false flag event?

Are we waiting for martial law to be declared?

Are we waiting until government thugs show up to seize our guns?

The time is now.  We must fight for our rights before these things occur, because when the streets are lined with American soldiers on one side and ordinary citizens on the other, the loss of life will be tremendous.  The fear of those who have never had a gun aimed at them will be palpable, and the potential for many to bow to an unholy authority will be too great.

We must make as much noise as possible and refuse to tolerate the unconstitutional deeds that occur on a daily basis.  We must rouse our neighbours to stand beside us as we face off against those who would take our food, our families and our freedom.

Our first shot may not be one of lead and powder, but it needs to be fired.  If you are reading this, and you agree that the government is spiralling out of control, you ARE the resistance.

Where Did All the Patriots Go?

Once upon a time, in 1775, a shot was fired across the North Bridge in Lexington, Massachusetts.

That shot was fired from the hunting rifle of an early American farmer and began the Battle of Lexington Green to defend against the British invasion that put food and families at risk.

The first American Revolution was fought by ordinary men, fathers and sons roused from their sleep by the peal of church bells and the beat of drums.  They sought nothing more than to defend their homes and families from the invasion and subjugation of the British army. 

The early colonists who fought this fight were looking for freedom from unfair taxation, freedom from being jailed for voicing dissent against the British, and freedom to make decisions, without restrictions imposed by an imperial government looking for money earned by American sweat.

Today, are we looking for anything different?

The United States government raises taxes without regard to the input of the people.  Over 40,000 new laws were passed in 2011, making it difficult to step out your front door without committing some type of infraction. Indeed, the government is now even in our homes, installing mandatory Smart Meters to monitor our usage of electricity, proposing bills to monitor our internet and media freedoms, and passing the notorious NDAA so that they can haul away dissenting American citizens in the middle of the night without regard for the principles that our nation was founded on.  The government is going after one right after another as the attack on our Constitution grows.

Nearly 240 years ago regular people fought against overwhelming odds to provide the freedoms that we have enjoyed.

Now we are being invaded again.  Now our liberty is again at risk.

Where are the Patriots of today?  What shots are being fired against the tyranny of the US government?  When are the ordinary people of our country going to stand up, despite the odds, and reclaim our legacy of freedom, fought and won through blood soaking into our soil so many years ago.?

A shot must be fired before it’s too late.  The time for revolution is now.  Don’t let your grandchildren wonder, “Where did all the Patriots go?” 

The unborn Americans of tomorrow deserve the freedoms that have been fought and won before.

The battle has begun.  Will you stand up and fight?

Note: This post was inspired by a true friend and a genuine patriot who challenges me to read and learn..and then learn some more….you know who you are….thanks.

SOPA Pic to Share

The Enemy Expatriation Act: Could YOU Be a Target?

Flashback to the Third Reich.

I hope you didn’t breathe a sigh of relief when President Obama promised not to use the power of the NDAA, also known as the Indefinite Detainment Act, against US citizens.  You may be as American as Granny’s apple pie but it doesn’t mean you are safe. 

Currently on the table in the House of Representatives (HR 3166) and the Senate ( S 1698) is the Enemy Expatriation Act.  This venomous bit of legislation joins hands with the unPatriot Act and the NDAA to allow the United States government to strip Americans of their citizenship.

Why would they want to do that?  Well, there has to be a way to silence the dissenters.  This bill bears and eerie resemblance to a bill passed by the Third Reich in Germany in 1935.  The Nuremberg Laws took away the citizenship of German people based on race, blood type or dissent against Hitler’s regime.  The Expatriation Act threatens to take away citizenship of Americans for “engaging in, or purposefully and materially supporting, hostilities against the United States.”

The very ambiguity of this law, especially when added to the other unconstitutional acts that have recently and rapidly come to pass, should strike fear into the heart of any patriotic American.  For something as simple as DISAGREEING WITH YOUR GOVERNMENT you might be considered hostile.  For donating to the campaign of a constitutionalist, you might be considered hostile.  Other hostile acts that could label one a terrorist as per the DHS Gestapo could include having more than two weeks worth of stored food in your home, engaging is discourse on the internet regarding the state of the union, or even purchasing ammunition for your personal firearm.

This is another step down the slippery slope to a police state with total domination by the government.  It sneakily attempts to circumvent the exceptions put forth on previous bills to set at ease the minds of the people.  Their very diligence in finding ways to get around the arguments of the American people should make you very very uneasy. The conspiracy has ceased to be a theory and is now, simply an evident fact.

Paranoia is no longer a sign of a lack of rationality – it is the only sane reaction to the acts of a government gone insane.

SOPA Bill Is Shelved: Score ONE for the People!!!

Massive pressure from the people has caused a veto threat from Washington regarding the treacherous “SOPA” bill. (Stop Online Piracy Act).  The public outcry was big enough that congress has shelved the bill, which was nothing more than a slippery slide towards internet censorship….

Check out the details at SHTFplan

This is a victory for the voices of the people.  It’s a victory for every person who wrote to his or her members of congress.  It’s a victory for every person that shared blog posts and articles regarding the loss of freedom.  It’s a victory for social media users whose hue and cry inundated the net.

Remember this!  Let’s keep the momentum of this victory going and continue the fight against those who would silence us.

Public Enemy #1: The Mass Media

There is an enemy infiltrating nearly every home in North America.

Even your own.

More than likely, you have invited this enemy into your home, right into your living room.  You’ve introduced the enemy to your entire family and the enemy is likely someone you all trust.

The enemy is the mainstream media. 

The places that most of us trust to get our news are compromised.  They have sold out to the highest bidders and those bidders are the ones who control what we see.

Here are some examples for you:

GENERAL ELECTRIC:  Worth 157 billion in annual revenue, GE owns a large portion of NBC, MSNBC, 22 local TV stations and Universal Pictures

WALT DISNEY: The house of mouse, earning just over $36 per year,  owns ABC, 277 radio stations, Touchstone, Miramax and Pixtar.

NEWS GROUP: This 30 billion dollar a year entity owns FOX, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, TV Guide, Barrons, and Smart Money, not to mention 20th Century Fox and HarperCollins Publishing.

TIME WARNER: Bringing in a cool $25 billion per year, Time Warner is the largest media conglomerate in the world.  They own: CNN, HBO, Cinemax, America Online, TBS, TNT, Warner Brothers Pictures, and more than 150 magazines, including some particularly respected ones like Time, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated.

VIACOM:  At a “mere” $13.6 billion a year, Viacom owns Global, MTV, VH-1, Nickelodeon, and Paramount Pictures.

CBS Corp:  And rounding out the Big Six with an annual income of $13 billion per year, CBS owns, obviously, CBS, as well as Showtime, CBS Radio and book publisher Simon and Schuster.

So lets look at this with a neutral eye for a moment.  None of these outlets are present for the good of the people.  They are worth billions and billions of dollars.  They are the king of all special interest groups because they want to keep those billions rolling in.

Look at how much airspace is covered above.  Every major news outlet in North America is part of this elite group.  The TV programs and movies that color our perceptions and opinions through popular culture are in these groups.  Everything you listen to is programmed by these elite special interest groups with extreme bias towards their own pocket. Their slant is what ever the government regulators tells them it is.

If you had billions of dollars coming in every year, and the ability to jaundice the public eye, who trusted you and believed what you said, would you be looking out for your own best interests or everyone else’s?

If you could sway public opinion by simply NOT PROVIDING THEM WITH INFORMATION and it would help keep those dollars rolling in, would you do it?

If you could select the next President of the United States, thereby keeping on the good side of the White House, merely by PROVIDING BIASED INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC, would you do it?

If you could decide what the people should know and what they shouldn’t, therefore changing their perception of current events, would you do it?

Further analysis of the Big Six media companies makes it very clear why they have a political agenda…..the almighty dollar, of course.  If the wrong candidate claims the presidency, literally BILLIONS of dollars  can be lost during the course of his or her administration.  The Boards of Directors of these companies also have a vested interest in furthering their own ends.  Media is power.

The media has now become a monster of propaganda, sharing what The Powers That Be want the people to know, skewing public perceptions of reality and persuading them that all things are done benevolently in their own best interests. The investigative journalist putting his or her life at risk to inform the public is now an almost mythical creature found only on a few alternative news sites and in the unicorn forest.

The people of America are being misled and manipulated by the special interests of the boards of directors of these companies.  It’s an incestuous spiderweb of the theoretical “1%”.  Policies that serve the best interests of these rich and powerful people are not the policies that serve the bests interests of the rest of America.  But because these are the people that sign the paychecks for the network employees, they are also the people that call the shots.  The ties to government, big banking and global policies like Agenda 21 are clear.  The principals in the race for a new world order are all present, and with the help of the weapon of media, they plan to take over the world by controlling the thoughts and opinions of the people.

General Electric, the biggest of the Big Six, is heavily invested in military manufacturing.  The company produces the engines for many planes, tanks, and helicopters, including the F-16, the UCAV, the Abrams tank and the Apache.  A cut in military spending would not bode well for the profit of the company.  GE needs a warmonger in office to keep them rolling in blood money.  The Board of Directors includes Jeffrey Immelt, the head of President Obama’s Economic Advisory Committee; former US Senator Sam Nunn, who is also the CEO of The Nuclear Threat Initiative; Rochelle Lazurus, also a director of Merck and Co pharmaceuticals; and James Tisch, who also serves on the board of New York’s Federal Reserve and chairs the board of governors for the Jewish Agency for Israel.

Walt Disney is really specific to the entertainment sector.  Disney sells media entertainment, toys and travel.  Disney needs the money to continue flowing through second mortgages and unsustainable lending practices to continue their success.  Disney sells 100%  “wants”……if the Fed was forced to stop printing money at will, flexible spending would grind to a halt almost immediately. Many of Disney’s board members have close ties with big banking, meaning they are the ones who help sink people into debt by offering them more and more “credit”, miring them deeper into debt slavery.  John S. Chen serves on the board of Wells Fargo; Fred Langhammer is on the boards of AIG and Shinsei Bank Ltd.; Monica Lozano is a director of Bank of America;  Robert Maschullet is the former CEO of Morgan Stanley Investments; and Sheryl Sandberg is the former Chief of Staff of the US Treasury Dept. and an economist with the World Bank.

News Corp, Time Warner, CBS and Viacom, the other members of the Big Six, are invested solely in media and entertainment.  Much like Disney, if the fiat money dries up, these companies are toast.  If people are struggling to feed their families, they aren’t too likely to spend money on things like cable television and movies.

The VIACOM board of directors include such big names as Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, sports magnate Robert Kraft, and Sumner Redstone, who is also the primary stockholder in CBS.

News Corp’s board of directors is equally illustrous in it’s connections.  Natalie Bancroft hails from the Dow Jones empire; James W. Breyer serves on the board of Wal-Mart;Viet Dinh, formerly of South Vietnam, whose colorful resume includes his stint as the US Attorney General as well as masterminding the USA Patriot Act; James and Lachlan Murdoch, sons of Rupert Murdoch who was notoriously accused for unethical journalism practices and brought before the English Parliament in 2011; John L. Thornton is the former CEO of Goldman Sachs and on the boards of Ford Motor Company, Intel, HSBC and China Netcom.

Time Warner has a board of directors with many global connections……for example:  Jessica Einhorn has served as an advisor for the IMF (International Money Fund) and held executive positions at the World Bank and is currently also a director at the Center for Global Development; Stephen Bollenbach is also a director of the Los Angelos World Affairs Council; Frank J Caufield is also a director of the US Russia Investment Fund and the founder of KCPB, one of the biggest venture capital firms in the US; and Mathias Dopfner, CEO of Germany’s largest newspaper.

CBS of course, is headed up by Sumner Redstone, who, as mentioned earlier is also the primary stockholder in Viacom.  Some of the powerful directors of CBS include former congressman and Secretary of Defense William S Cohen; chairman emeritus and director of Bank of America Charles K. Gifford; and Joseph Califano, who served as President Lyndon B Johnson’s Assistant for Domestic Affairs, and later as the US Secretary of Health, Welfare and Education.

This is why you can’t trust what you see on the mainstream media.  The “news” is now all a propaganda ploy to help the rich get richer and the powerful remain in power.  The media can make or break a candidate with unholy zeal in less than a week.  These people and others like them are the ones that decide what “we the people” get to see.  If they feel like a candidate or a news item might upset the status quo, they black it out by refusing to cover it.  (Ron Paul and Occupy Wall Street are two prime examples of this.)

What can you do about this?

When you see coverage that is clearly biased, take a moment to call out the media about it.  Take the time to comment on mainstream media websites and point out the unbalanced coverage.  Promote alternative news outlets and always, always research for yourself to find the truth of the matter.  Write letters to the editor of your local paper, tell everyone you know and make your voice heard.

Tell everyone you know that mainstream media is the enemy of the people.

Media Blackout of the Day: Occupy Protests NDAA

Today was a big news day for Occupy Wall Street……except, somehow, it wasn’t.

In Grand Central Station an OWS group gathered to protest the NDAA, making use of their Constitutional rights of freedom of speech and freedom of peaceful assembly.  Subsequently, a petite young woman who has been identified as Laura Digioia was literally carried away by several hulking police officers.

When making my rounds of the alternative news sites like SHTFplan and Alt-Market, they were all abuzz regarding this latest attack on the Bill of Rights.  When I checked on CNN, Fox and the other mass media sites, I found NOTHING.  Ditto.  Zilch.  Didn’t even happen.

Freedom of the press is apparently dead as far as the mainstream media is concerned.  These companies have become nothing more than a vehicle of propaganda, owned by special interest groups and the government.  Unless the Powers That Be want something or someone exposed, gone are the days of the intrepid investigative journalist who will stop at nothing to fill the people in on the truth.

Equally as horrifying as the NDAA (The Indefinite Detainment bill) is the reality that the people with an occupational duty to inform the public have simply rolled over and given up.  Journalistic integrity is a thing of the past.  They haven’t even put up a fight about this loss of rights, and they make every effort to aid the government in their cover-up. Does this mean that instead of being bullied into silence they actually just sold out and became the verbal prostitutes of the government?

An important course of action is to find alternate sources of information.  The “news” that you are receiving from the MSM (mainstream media) is simply the watered-down gruel the government wants you to have.  You are being spoonfed the big government advertisement that every right they take away from you is really just for your own good. You are being lulled into a false sense of security.  You are being programmed who to vote for.  You are being hypnotized by Big Brother himself so that you will no longer even consider questioning authority.

It’s up to YOU to search out the truth for yourself, and to spread that information around to anyone who will listen.  Think critically about the news you receive and check multiple sources for the veracity.  Then spread the word.


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