Inalienably Yours

Archive for the category “media blackout”

Media Blackout of the Day: Occupy Protests NDAA

Today was a big news day for Occupy Wall Street……except, somehow, it wasn’t.

In Grand Central Station an OWS group gathered to protest the NDAA, making use of their Constitutional rights of freedom of speech and freedom of peaceful assembly.  Subsequently, a petite young woman who has been identified as Laura Digioia was literally carried away by several hulking police officers.

When making my rounds of the alternative news sites like SHTFplan and Alt-Market, they were all abuzz regarding this latest attack on the Bill of Rights.  When I checked on CNN, Fox and the other mass media sites, I found NOTHING.  Ditto.  Zilch.  Didn’t even happen.

Freedom of the press is apparently dead as far as the mainstream media is concerned.  These companies have become nothing more than a vehicle of propaganda, owned by special interest groups and the government.  Unless the Powers That Be want something or someone exposed, gone are the days of the intrepid investigative journalist who will stop at nothing to fill the people in on the truth.

Equally as horrifying as the NDAA (The Indefinite Detainment bill) is the reality that the people with an occupational duty to inform the public have simply rolled over and given up.  Journalistic integrity is a thing of the past.  They haven’t even put up a fight about this loss of rights, and they make every effort to aid the government in their cover-up. Does this mean that instead of being bullied into silence they actually just sold out and became the verbal prostitutes of the government?

An important course of action is to find alternate sources of information.  The “news” that you are receiving from the MSM (mainstream media) is simply the watered-down gruel the government wants you to have.  You are being spoonfed the big government advertisement that every right they take away from you is really just for your own good. You are being lulled into a false sense of security.  You are being programmed who to vote for.  You are being hypnotized by Big Brother himself so that you will no longer even consider questioning authority.

It’s up to YOU to search out the truth for yourself, and to spread that information around to anyone who will listen.  Think critically about the news you receive and check multiple sources for the veracity.  Then spread the word.


Debate Coverage Debacle – the Paul Blackout Continues…

Yet again, it appears that the mainstream media has voluntarily surrendered their freedom of the press to bring home a paycheck.
I didn’t get to watch yesterday’s GOP debate live, so this morning I checked the mainstream media sources to read their coverage.  I checked ABC, FOX, NBC, CNN, Yahoo, and MSN.  It wasn’t until I specifically googled the search string “Ron Paul New Hampshire Debate” that I found information regarding his performance.
In the first 25 minutes of the debate, only one question was directed towards Dr. Paul.
Every online poll I could find said Dr. Paul was the clear winner of the debate, and yet I had to SEARCH HIS NAME to find coverage.  The focus was on Romney and his plastic smile, and then all of the other candidates, all of whom are BEHIND Dr. Paul in the polls in New Hampshire.
This media blackout is so very blatant that it feels like our coverage is censored like television in Communist Russia.  Everything we see in the media is such utter propaganda that it is clear the media is attempting to undermine Dr. Paul’s campaign.
The thing that gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach is that voters trust the mainstream media.  Most people consider CNN to be the final authority for news.  People watch the news to learn what is going on in the world, but most folks aren’t going to search for the answers.  They will believe what the press spoonfeeds them, and what the press is saying by ignoring Dr. Paul is that his campaign is not worthy of attention.
Dr. Paul’s campaign must be won through alternative media.  The beauty of 2012 is that there are so many ways to get the word out.  If you are a Paul supporter, use your voices to reach as many people as possible regarding the unfair, biased coverage.
~  Comment after articles on the mainstream media websites (if you read through, you will see some from me!!!)
~  Forward this blog and others like it to the contacts on your email lists
~  Post a status on Facebook stating “The media can no longer be trusted with fair and accurate reporting. Please research the GOP candidates independantly of the news sites and you will see why you should cast your vote for Ron Paul.”
~  Donate and involve yourself in the campaign.
~  Write letters to your local media, the media companies and your local paper letting them know you are angry about the media bias!
~  “Tweet” if you “Twitter”

Ron Paul for President in 2012……elect him DESPITE the status quo!

You Say You Want a Revolution……

Quiet revolutions are springing up everywhere.  There is an uprising afoot that is challenging the new laws because people from all walks of life are saying……

to the United States government.

For example……

HACKERS UNITE…..  With the threat of the SOPA bill making time short, hackers around the world are feverishly working to create a fallback internet infrastructure that cannot be censored.  The Hackerspace Global Grid is being created by some of the best minds in cyberspace.

OVER 100 MILLION FEWER AIR TRAVELERS……..Statistics right from the US government show a distinct drop in air travel between 2000 and 2011.  As the TSA Gestapo increases their sexual assault against passengers, more people are choosing other methods of travel,  This definitely affects the economy, as American Airlines is just the latest in a long list to go belly up since 9/11.

MONTANA BEGINS THE PROCESS TO RECALL CONGRESSMEN……After the atrocity of the NDAA passed both the House and the Senate, fed up Montanans pulled out their Constitution and began the process. 

THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT……While you may not agree with the goals or the financial backing, you can’t argue with the numbers.  The Occupy movement mobilized people across the world to stand up to the PTB through protests and civil disobedience.  Today the Occupy movement begins their protest against NDAA, and on January 17th begins to Occupy Congress – does anyone else suspect that this might be the first public example of NDAA in action?

ALTERNATIVE MEDIA FIGHTS RON PAUL MEDIA BLACKOUT……..When it became glaringly obvious that the mainstream media was doing all it could to ignore Ron Paul as a viable candidate, alternative journalists came out in droves.  He has had more coverage on blogs, Facebook and other social networking sites, and Youtube than any other candidate.  CNN was outed for editing an interview with Dr. Paul in an unflattering way.  FOX and CBS were both blasted online for virtually shunning Dr. Paul during the Republican debates, as it came to light that he received only 89 SECONDS of airtime in a November debate.

Oathkeepers Say No Many peace officers and members of Oathkeepers have signed letters of intent not to carry out orders that are in defiance of the vows they took to “protect and serve”, stating that the NDAA is in direct violation of that oath.

A Declaration of the People …..All over the internet patriot bloggers and organizations are posting this declaration that they refuse to accept the unconstitutional act known as the NDAA, and that they will not aggress, but will defend their rights.

Small revolutions are breaking out all over the country as people become more and more outraged at the purposeful erosion of the Constitution by those in power. Find one you can stand behind and take part!  Start your own revolution! 

Be loud and be heard….don’t let your freedoms and rights be taken away without a fight!

The Invisible Candidate

There is a candidate on the stage during the Republican debates who is being largely ignored.

The press rarely mentions him, and instead pumps out the smallest details of the other candidates attire, their verbal faux pas, and their personal lives.

His name isn’t always included in polls that are checking to see who the front runner is in the Republican primary.

But the people of the United States have still noticed him.

Ron Paul exudes a quiet calm wisdom that is rarely seen in a political arena.  He comes across as a very honest, forthcoming individual.  I don’t see the same arrogance and pomposity as I cringe away from with the other candidates.

He is solid on the issues that are the most troubling in our country right now:  the wasted billions in wars that shouldn’t involve us, the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms that are eroding a little bit more every day, and his distaste for the corruption that is the Federal Reserve, the Department of Homeland Security, and the US government itself.

But why is the press ignoring him?

The media blackout has been noticed by Paul supporters.  For example:

~  During an October debate on CNN, Paul went 40 minutes without being addressed, which meant 40 minutes without being involved in the debate.
~  During that same debate, all candidates were offered a closing statement….except Paul.
~  A Pew Research Center study confirmed that Ron Paul’s candidacy has been the spotlight of…….wait for it…only TWO PERCENT of the media coverage on the GOP primary.
~  His campaign raised double the contributions of the other “second tier” candidates in the third quarter, which somehow still didn’t manage to make the news.
~  He has been the winner in a large number of local polls, but has gotten no national coverage for this.

The list goes on and on.

But the question is, “Why?”

Something about Ron Paul scares the daylights out of the current Powers That Be.  Like cockroaches who scatter at the first sign on light, they are worried about which lights he will switch on.  He has vowed to take on the Federal Reserve, the Congress of the United States, the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Homeland Security.  There are dark corners he intends to poke into that nobody wants to have disturbed.

The challenge is for alternative media to make the difference for Dr. Paul. If you are serious about saving the United States of America from becoming a bankrupt police state, use your voice to promote him.  With social media, bloggers, writers with RSS feeds and internet forums, we can take on the mainstream media and make our voices heard. 

This candidacy can be a revolution, not only for the American way of life, but against the tyranny of the big businesses who would freeze out a man of integrity to level the playing field for the candidates who are in their back pockets.  The days are over when opinions are supplied for us by elite-owned mass media!

If you want to make a difference, use your voice!  Post on your social media sites like Facebook your thoughts on the election.  Share interesting articles about Ron Paul on your Facebook page or website.  Write your own articles and blog posts.  Spread the word!  If we all reach every person we can through these venues we can help to ensure a fair election by the very power of our numbers.

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