Inalienably Yours

Archive for the category “new world order”

Daisy, Pinky, and The New World Order

A lot of people have asked me a question recently.  “Daisy, you don’t even live in the United States anymore.  Why are you so concerned about the politics and the economic situation there?”

I have  few goals with this blog and with my Facebook page.  To understand those goals, you need to understand a little bit about me. I am an American citizen who has lived in Canada for the past 16 years.  No, I’m not on the lam for a capital crime.  I simply married a Canadian and this is where we made our home.

Over the years I’ve come to see how interrelated the two countries are.  We share the oldest undefended border on the globe.  As the economics of the United States go, so go the economics of Canada, since the Canadian economy is based on exports to the US.  When the US is in a war, Canadian soldiers aren’t far behind, although their role is that of peacekeeper, as they render aid to those whose lives are ravaged in war-torn countries.  If someone bombs the US with a nuke, the mushroom will quite likely spread over Canada.  Like it or not, the bond is irrevocable by nature of history and geography. The intertwined fact is that the President of the United States influences Canada just as directly as does the Prime Minister.

Secondly, I’m still registered to vote in the US and do so at my local embassy.  I’m saddened and horrified as the liberties that I took for granted as a young American are siphoned away, dripping through a sieve of oligarchy.  These rights aren’t just American rights, they are the God-given right of every human the minute they draw breath in the world.

Finally, I’m concerned when I see that 90% of the wealth in the world is owned by about 6000 people.  That leaves the rest of the resources to be divided by the other 7 billion folks.  As the population continues to increase, the distribution of wealth does not.  Those in power are those with the money, and they are, it appears, attempting to take over the world.

From the new unity between the United States and Canada to the new police force being created by billionaire George Soros to the FEMA detention camps springing up all over North America, it’s evident that somebody is intent on taking over the world. 

I adore a good conspiracy theory, but this particular theory of a totalitarian one-world government is approaching a flat out conspiracy with very little of the theory part left open to question.

After reading story after story of the Department of Homeland Gestapo Security, I decided it was time to stop commenting on message boards where everyone agrees with me – preaching to the choir.  I decided that it was my duty as a resident of Canada, a citizen of America and a patron of the planet, to do my small part in opening up the conversation and bringing up points that the mainstream media ignores.

Welcome.  Tinfoil hats optional!

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